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Vita Flex

ABN : 61098983389

Location : BRIGHTON-LE-SANDS-NSW-2216 (NSW - Sydney)


Vita Flex


The Evolution of Vita Flex Therapy

                 Vita Flex Therapy is a unique synthesis of ancient and modern knowledge from around the world.

Vita Flex Therapy works fast and its therapeutic power is extensive.

1)Vita Flex Therapy and the holographic principle

  Vita Flex Therapy is based on a ancient Indian principle that the body is contained within each of its part.It is also a modern scientific model called the holographic principle.Have you ever seen a hologram?It is a three dimentional photo.You can actually walk around it.


                  In an accident a technician broke a hologram negative,to his surprise he discovered that each broken piece contained the whole three dimentional picture.

 Looking closer he also discovered that each contained different minute details of the hologram.

Example :Imagine a three dimentional picture of a face.A fregment of the broken negative would contain more details of the wrinkle around the eyes,while another fragment would contain more details of hair and so on.

                 We humans are a good example of this.Consider that all human beings come from the same creative source,or if you prefer,are a reflection of the Super Consciousness.We are a part of that whole and contain it within,and yet we are all different.

                Our unique consciousness as individuals are at different levels of the whole and we all contribute to the collective consciousness of human kind.

Address to Reach Us :

Phone : 0450324434

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