Network  West Sydney Classifieds Sydney | 29 th of Mar 2025 06:04 PM

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Pure Honey and Honeycomb

Location : NORTH ROCKS-NSW-2151 (NSW - Sydney)


Pure Honey $10 500ml
Pure Honey $20 1kg
Honeycomb $2 per 100grams (Quick sale!!)
A beautiful deep amber coloured honey gathered from bees foraging native spotted gum (Corymbia maculata), grey gum (Eucalyptus major) and wild flowers in Northwest Sydney. The flavour of the honey varies with the time it is harvested from a rich floral taste in late summer to a full bodied eucalyptus flavour in early spring.
Our honey is cold extracted from December to January, but it’s available for most of the year. We don’t use sugar to feed the bees. The honey is unprocessed and coarse filtered, so it retains all of it’s natural antibacterial properties.


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