Network  West Sydney Classifieds Sydney | 23 rd of Feb 2025 05:01 PM

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Psychic Medium Healer

Location : CANTERBURY-NSW-2193 (Australia Wide)


Leila has practiced healings and attunements face to face, and offer distant healings and attunements also via the telephone. I have assisted people locally, interstate and overseas to heal spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and provide both spiritual and psychic guidance to help people on their spiritual path and deepen their spiritual understanding.

Leila is a dedicated psychic, clairvoyant, clairsentient, spiritual development teacher, healer and a medium that has been assisting others in contacting their loved ones on the other side and offering transition assistance for the departed. She communicates closely with the angelic realms. She also uses tarot, numerology in her readings.

Psychics Mediums and Clairvoyants

What's the difference & how do I know which one to choose?

There seems to be, and apparently always has been, much confusion over the definitions between psychics, mediums and clairvoyants. Many people don't know the difference between all of these names that those of us that work with spirit and energy are blessed with.

Psychic: A psychic is a person who is responsive to psychic forces. These people may be capable of extrasensory perception, telepathy and other extraordinary abilities.

Medium: A medium is a person through whom the spirits of the dead are said to be able to contact the living. These people may often be referred to as channelers since they act as a conduit for the spirits of the dead.

Combination: If a person is a psychic medium, than they should have qualities of both. Those who can allow the dead to speak through them, as well as communicate telepathically with others, are examples of psychic mediums.

1. Clairvoyance when mediums have the gift of seeing the spirit.
2. Clairaudience when mediums have the gift of hearing the spirit.
3. Clairsentience when a medium feels senses the presence and the thoughts of the spirit.

A medium is a psychic but not all psychics are mediums

Mobile: 0413 664 719 Email: [email protected]
Address: Canterbury, NSW



































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