Network  West Sydney Classifieds Sydney | 4 th of Mar 2025 11:58 AM

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Advanced Commercial Kitchens Pty Ltd

Location : SYDNEY-NSW-2000 (NSW - Sydney)


Advanced Commercial Kitchens have been designing Commercial Kitchens and eateries  for more than two decades.

In this time Advanced have become a popular commercial icon in professional kitchen design and consultancy.

Advanced Commercial Kitchens takes pride and innovation together as part of a combination when putting the pieces together to design your commercial project.

It is a rare item these days in kitchen design to see such dedication and thought placed into customers projects, as supply and demand has made everything so fast and careless.

At Advanced Commercial Kitchens our customers ultimately become our friends that regualry request new ideas and better innovations to provide new means and superior kitchen techniques that make them leaders in the award winning gourmet dishes.

The most important factor is that a quality kitchen produces quality gourmet cuisine.


We supply:


- Catering Equipment

- Refrideration Equipment

- Commercial Kitchens

- Air Conditioning

- Kitchen Exhaust Systems

- Grease Traps

- Cool Rooms

- Freezer Rooms


Call Michael 0404 009 914



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